Sunday, December 5, 2010

Opt Out?

You can take this at face value, as the musings of an angst filled teen. It's possible my thoughts are being replicated a thousand times over around the world. I wouldn't be surprised. Stress and pressure isn't a localized issue.

I really wasn't sure what to write, until a tsunami of stress engulfed me like this weekend's snowstorm. I wish sometimes there was an opt out button on responsibility. I didn't want to go to work today and deal with picky customers and remaking drinks when people take the wrong beverage. Opt out! I could spend my time doing something more productive than making 7.50 an hour, or as I calculated today at work, 1 dollar every 8 minutes. Wait, that's before income tax gets taken out. Opt out?

I know what you're thinking. Who is he to complain and whine? I was the one who signed up for my classes, got a job, and attempted to have the semblance of a social life. I also chose all the extra curriculars to fill my time with. That time is at a premium, and sometimes sleep is the weakest link. It's the first to go. Take tonight. It is 8:30. I still have an AP Gov essay to write, two essays to read, and an APUSH teaching project to finish. Dang.

Sorry if this is boring or annoying to read. I'd be annoyed to read it. However, I just needed to let out my frustration at the circumstances. Sometimes there really is nothing you can do, except regret for time wasted. Or maybe, in a perfect world, opt out.

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