Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Aren't Synonyms Wonderful?

Wonderful: Adjective
-Inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration
-Extremely good
Example: Christmas makes me feel wonderful.
Origin: Old English "wunderfull"

Definitions: Adjective
-Causing great surprise or wonder
-Startlingly impressive
Example: It is amazing how ignorant that girl is.
Origin: Old English āmasian, of unknown origin

Definitions: AdjectiveMarvelous
-Of, from, or like a God
-Devoted to God; sacred
-Excellent; delightful
Example: This peach cobbler is divine.
Origin: Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin divinus, from divus "Godlike"

Definitions: Adjective
-Causing great wonder; extraordinary
-Extremely good or pleasing; splendid
Example: I have never heard such a marvelous choir
Origin: Middle English: from Old French merveillus, from merveille

Definitions: Adjective
-Very great in amount, scale, or intensity
-Informal: extremely good
Example: The actions of the charity were quite tremendous.
Origin: Mid 17th century: from Latin tremendus

Definitions: Adjective
-Exceptionally good
-Clearly noticeable
-Remaining to be done
Example: The grease on the burger was outstanding
Origin: 1605 - 15 (Unknown Origin)

Definitions: Adjective
-Extrememly good
-Used to indicate pleasure
Example: This 18th century furniture has excellent grain patterns
Origin: From Old French, from Latin excellent 'being preeminent', from excellere

Definitions: Adjective
-Extraordinary, especially large
-Amazingly good
-Having no basis in reality
Example: This fabulous orchestra carries big sound
Origin: From French fabuleux or Latin fabulosus 'celebrated in fable', from fabula  

Definitions: Adjective
-Surprisingly impressive or notable
Example: This essay is unusually astounding
Origin: Variation of astonish from Old French estone

Definitions: Adjective
-Worthy of attention
Example: I find it remarkable that they included song in their performance
Origin: Early 17th century: from French remarquable, from remarquer 'take note of'

Definitions: Adjective
-Very bright, radiant
-Clever or talented
Example: The stars are brilliantly twinkling
Origin: Late 17th century: from French brillant 'shining', present participle of briller, from Italian brillare

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