Sunday, October 24, 2010

Self-Righteous and Lazy

Call me judgmental, but some people have this innate annoyance that really ticks me off. I can break it down to three different types of people that I can't handle:

1. Self-Righteous nuts. Sanctimonious, pompous, smug: choose your poison. People that are so full of themselves and their ideas that they can't see any other way can dampen my day, any day. I mean really, do you have to act better than everyone else? We are all people, and usually (especially at school) your "claims" to fame are limited to social standing or inflated dreams of greatness. I find it rude when people like this put themselves on a pedestal, belittling the people that are "below" them. Especially bible thumpers. I mean, if you're actually good at something go ahead, be proud of your achievement but don't shove it down every one's throats and develop a bloated head. Tools, I'm talking to you too. On a side note (but not unrelated), I don't like socks with sandals or Timbs. They don't look good, and if you're cold wear shoes, not socks under sandals. That's why we have shoes!

2. Lazy leeches: Couch Potato Joe, now I'm talking to you. Taxpayers gave you 12 years of school so you could join the workforce! What a great gift! Now use it. Why would you want to live with mom anyway? I completely understand if you are looking but can't find a job, that is a different story entirely, but honestly if you aren't being proactive about your prospects in life what is the point? Plus, you are taking my tax dollars for social programs that others need and you don't deserve. This is especially applicable in school. We all know the kids that just slide by, don't challenge themselves, don't dream. They just develop into leeches on society when they grow up.

3. Smokers: Enough said. It is nasty, smells bad, and breaks your wallet. Honestly what's the point besides polluting my oxygen? 

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