Saturday, January 1, 2011


Auf Wiedersehen 2010. It's been just as eventful and normal as expected. That is what life is, don't you think? Wisps of excitement intermixed with the day to day drudge of our overflowing schedules. But it is this excitement that gives life zest. It's like spicing up a bland dish or mocha (Caribou reference, couldn't resist). Just a little "zing" goes a long way in making something run-of-the-mill into something amazing.

In a year packed with spice, it’s hard to find a place to start. With a heart wrenching earthquake in Haiti to an oil spill intertwined with a bad economy, this has been a rough year for many. While there are exceptions, even some celebrities have had better years. Woods will never be the same and Favre effectively ended his career, yet everyone is going gaga for GaGa and Betty White’s star can’t shine any brighter. We were able to enjoy outdoor baseball and bask in the addictive glory of social networks. Plus Republicans won seats in Congress, which never hurts. As the year turns over, there comes a time to reevaluate and in retrospect it seems as if none of these occurrences matter to me.

What truly matters is the tangible events in my life, the spices I can readily taste. I’m talking about the events that matter; time with friends, weddings, vacations. No matter who you are, these events mean a lot more than a celebrity who can’t keep the belt buckled. Since January 1st does in fact bring a change in the year, it offers one a good time to reminisce. How nostalgic, to picture myself walking down the streets of New York with a bunch of lower income children, or eating a burger at a drive in after a romp on Calhoun in the warm August sun. These little memories, fond reminders of a year gone by, are what make up life. They are close to home, and therefore close to heart (awwww).

So at the turn of the year, I ask you to reevaluate what parts of your life you want to replicate. Then go out and do it. It’s easy! Don’t sweat the five pounds you resolve to drop or the addiction (be it Sims or cigarettes) that you hope to lose. While it’s important to have goals such as these, they pale in comparison to the goal of an exuberant existence.

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