Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On the Act of Writing

So maybe I'll be a little cliché, but the reality is I only write for school. I don't write for creative output or to satisfy my bloated head, I write purely for one letter. It's not that I am limiting myself to earn a grade and that's the end of my ideas on paper, it is just how it is. Creativity hasn't always been my strong point, (I love absolutes and concrete concepts) but that can always attempt to change if I want it to. Writing pretty much comes down to effort; sitting comfortably, pondering word choice, pen to paper, time flying by. I honestly think that if I ever did decide to spend an afternoon scribing my thoughts on paper it would be a beautiful thing.

I am convinced of the fact that my writing would be first and foremost for myself, if I ever got around to writing that is. I envision it as a perfect blend of Didion and Orwell, a style that conforms to my own desires. I would lead towards the Orwell's writing, just because I love to have purpose behind my writing and I thoroughly enjoy politics. I would write for a reason, maybe to physically express my thoughts or to expound upon a topic I'm interested in, but I would include my voice too. Orwell describes it by saying "so long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information." To me this explains writing as something that has personality, that shows the thoughts of the reader behind the motive not unlike 1984 or Animal Farm. Perhaps I would shy away from such obvious viewpoints but I can't help being drawn to the way Orwell craftily weaves his message into characters, conflict, setting, and story.

Combined with the creative and free-flowing nature of Joan Didion, ideally I would write to make a statement to either myself or the world. Whether the intent is to achieve an A or to assert upon someone my thoughts, I write to learn more about myself by acquainting myself with the ideas that come through my fingertips and onto the screen.


  1. On the contrary, I think most people try and pretend that they write tons and tons out of school. Maybe (since we're all AP Comp Scholars) we do, but thanks for being upfront and clear. Someone had to get it out there.

    If you ever find the time to sit-think-write, I want to read it.

  2. Well Dan, I think it's lovely that you think an afternoon spent scribbling your thoughts on paper would be a beautiful thing. You should try it sometime! But I also agree with your main purpose of writing; for a grade. That is pretty much the only reason I write, as well. Nice job!
